Far from home
OOC: Words: 396

Caprica fussed around the stranger in rather a motherly as she came inside the little cave, stoking up the fire to give her a boost of heat and tossing the two spare skins into a heap next to her to use as extra blankets if she wanted. Caprica hated to see anybody in even the mildest of discomfort.

"It's no problem, nice to have the company," she shrugged off the gratitude. Out here they weren't in Anathema, they were both strangers in strange lands. "Good to meetcha Neela, I'm Caprica, Anathema. I think I can direct you back up there. I went riding in the vicinity once with a guy called Saul... Stormbringer? He was one of you Ichikans, dunno if he's still there...? Yeah, you can duck around that pack if you follow our borders. Might even go with you, been meaning to go look round the area again and I gotta go north to get back to the den side of the territory anyway."

It was quite an exotic lady who had stumbled into her hideaway, she realised during her copious amounts of talking. Neela's colours were beautiful amber blended with pale cream, her fur long and her face elegantly arched: this was no wolf, or not a pure one, anyway, but a kind of dog Caprica had never seen before. It was perhaps the impact of her looks that had stopped Caprica noticing the bird at first, but now she did spy the limp feathers next to the fire and commented "Oh - is that your kill? Did you want to add it to the spit along with the rabbits? You can have one of those if you want to save that for the way back tomorrow." Inattentively, the dark wolf had failed to notice the still-living state of the hawk. She was also assuming that Neela was willing to wait for the next day before she travelled onwards, but in her mind it just made sense to overnight here and wait out the tormenting storm. Maybe if she just took it as read, she would convince the other woman not to even consider going earlier. Caprica hadn't been looking forward to a night twiddling her thumbs: she thrived best when there was someone else around to keep her company.


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