[M] Protectiveness
Kiara Amarok

Word Count → 366 :: thats fine.

Kiara's rage was suppressed by the delightful feeling of Neela's cat-like paws on the back of her neck. She gave a pleasant whine, enjoying the feel as Neela's hand gently ran down her spine. For one reason or another Kiara really liked the feeling, although she could never explain why. Shiloh had done it to Kiara a couple of times and it always amazed the snow wolf how pleasant the sensation was. She also found that having her neck and belly rubbed produced similar pleasant sensations that were equally as mysterious. Back home she would occasionally rub up against her brothers, but it was nothing compared to what the luperci did.

The snow wolf didn't really notice Neela's change in the way she talked. It wasn't something the snow wolf often picked up on or even paid attention too unless the accent was too thick for her to understand easily. What Kiara did pick up on was Neela's description of her family. Her family had hurt her? Kiara cocked her head to the side, unable to even imagine such a horrific thing. Yet the collie was not only confessing to the events but she was clearly upset by the memories. Although all of these thoughts disappeared when Neela flashed a set of bloody teeth. For a mix, the set was quite impressive and the red color of blood only added to that impression.

Kiara whined again as she nuzzled against Neela, she didn't like seeing her friends in such a state. Kiara did her best to comfort Neela as they sat locked in an embrace. Kiara licked Neela in any place she could reach, which was mostly her back, neck, and ears. Her worried whines were echoing freely for a minute before she quieted down and sat in silence. She didn't know what to do or how to help the hybrid. Thankfully, Neela told her exactly how she could help out. "Of course you can. Please, please come in." The snow wolf walked over to the frame and sat down waiting for Neela to go in first. She didn't want to be rude and she couldn't open the door wide enough for Neela to pass through.

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