Coming to Trade

OOC here! :: Word Count → 221

She met his eyes, and then gave him the most ridiculous price he'd ever heard. He couldn't help but bark out a laugh, sheer incredulity coloring his tone. She couldn't possibly be serious; favors weren't something to be handed out like spare supplies, and to pay eight for a horse that was probably not fully trained, and on top of that wasn't one of the breeds he was used to, thus costing him more time and effort to learn its temperament and skills, was like asking him to cut off his own hands and serve them up on a platter. In fact, he'd have rather done the latter.

He was already shaking his head throughout his thought process, but after a moment, he voiced his concerns, as well. "No. Horse is unfamiliar breed; cannot tell level of training. Will already cost dearly in time to me, why should pay so much?" He demanded, and then met her eyes again, frowning. "Will pay four restricted favor. That is final offer; take or leave." He had no dire need for another horse, anyway; it had been whim, and the desire for his own vardos to live in, that had made him ask in the first place. He already had Breixo, and the Vanner's attitude was more than he could handle as it was.

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