in this quiet country

indent Ahren let out a faint laugh at the first comment, amused at the concept. After training and breeding horses for so long, he knew better then to dare attempt killing one. Their uses far outweighed the need for food. He shook his head, hooking his thumbs into the belt that hung on his hips. “No, I’m not,” he answered, managing to eclipse both questions with one response. “I used to be,” he continued, letting his gaze turn back towards the Shetland (which did not seem too concerned with his presence).

indent “Spent a while in Europe,” Ahren went on. “My family ended up becoming attached to a breeder out there, though he didn’t specialize in ponies.” Bowie had, in fact, kept a collection of many breeds, favoring the larger as the canine gene gave any able to shift a dramatic change in height and weight. His sister-cousin’s husband had himself ridden a Clydesdale, favoring the ability of the workhorse rather then its speed. Mab’s horse had been a mix of this and the Friesian blood Ahren’s mount came from. Of course, Saffron remained in Europe, a choice Ahren had not fully regretted until this very moment.


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