[M] Torches and blood


Why was it only Aeron that could make her this mad, and still want to lie down and kiss all over her? Really why was this? Charm would not and could not allow her-self to love this lady. The calico colored she Sawtooth wolf would not and could not allow her-self to love anyone no matter the gender or species, Aeron was her last chance with love. Soran and Aeron both she had put her heart out on the line for, and both had burnt her for another lady. Both showed her tender touches, both whispered sweet words to her, and yet they had both left her in a way that was degrading for the Sawtooth lady.

The lady shook her head, her braids swayed side to side. ”You give up…Again?” The female laughed and shook her head narrowing her eyes. ”Yes there is the spineless coyote that I left. The same one I asked if we, just the two of us could be in a relationship…You couldn’t give me that, you wanted me to share you with another woman….At least Soran knew that your heart can only be with the one, yes ONE other being” The lady sneered holding up the one digit.

Charm sighed as she stomped her cane upon the ground that was between the two of them.”Go ahead….At least I can die with a clear heart….can you?” She shifted her weight so she was hovering over the cane. ”Well can ya…can ya?” She shifted back looking down to the ground as she sniffed, fighting back the need to fall down and cry again…damn her and her girly feelings.

”I told you…to leave her and be with me, I told you I would treat you better…why..why didn’t you listen Aeron…You need to let other’s help you. DAMN IT! You need to stop being so damn strong. “ Charm just wanted one thing in life. That one thing and one thing only she wanted was love, and she had wanted in Soran’s wonderful arm’s, and after being dumped for and ex-mate. Charm thought she could find it in Aeron’s arms, again…for her second time she had failed at finding this story tale love that she had always, always wanted.


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