Eye of the storm
Ilusion Lykoi

Word Count →897 :: Form changed: Secui

She felt the air around her thicken when she entered the unknown space; though by the time she turned and spoke to the stranger. Her eyes were caught by his golden fur, strange to see on a wolf but from his features she was guessing he had none of the pesky blood of a wolf. Her nose was useless right now; the icy winds had made it cold and numb. Leaving her at a disadvantage to well anyone right now, this made her discomfort grow even more. She did not know this dog, nor could she truly get a good scent off of him. Her fur bristled only very lightly at this fact before she tried to calm herself and shake it off as irritation for the storm. He spoke strange words, sounding nothing like the foreign language she spoke. No this sounded strange to her, thankfully he corrected himself so that she could relax at the fact he let her stay without a fight.

It was far too cold for a meaningless fight, why waste such precious body heat fighting when you could keep yourself warm. Her ears laid flat once more as she noticed how small this space really was, but her lupus form was far too short furred for this weather. Slipping off her cloak she looked away from the stranger, letting the pain of this action crash in waves against her lithe form. This was never an attractive move for her but she would rather fit and be warm that be too big and freeze. Bones cracked and formed her new form, one she only used in fighting but this time she needed for the warmth. When she was finished she shook her fur out, stretching the unused form and looked at larger male.

Her ears jerked up in surprise, was this man really going to let her sit so close to him after his reaction to her scent earlier? A soft smile played on her lips as she moved to the small spot to her newly shifted form to the small spot that was perfect in size for her small body even in this form, this man was far too old for her taste and in this form she did not express her curves in her movements. Instead she just laid down, she was not in a flirting mood or any other form of mood. Sadly the storm killed that part of her right now, stupid cold snow.

Her mouth opened to tell him thank you for the rather warmer spot than the one by the door, but something stopped her. Her gold eyes moved to the small movement of the bundle of cloaks on the floor next to him, a head popping out of one of the coat’s pockets holding a pipe in her teeth. In that instant her heart melted, she no longer felt very irritated by her numb nose and toes. Her eyes just looked at the little girl with a motherly smile on her face, god she was adorable.

The pup made herself cuter as the dog laughed, startling the girl to drop the pipe and bark at him in protest. She could not help but let her stifling giggles chime in with his booming laughter, now that was adorable. Though the moment faded lightly when the stranger now called Regner spoke once more, ah introductions she always seemed to forget those. With his tone on his title she smiled softly and let her normal attitude seep through. ”Well it’s a pleasure Regner, and Adelle darling.” her tone only shifting from a slight haughty infliction to a motherly tone when she spoke to Adelle. She could not help it, this was her and she tended to have that tone with those that were not of coyote blood. Something she was taught at a young age. She wanted the tone to be light, though being as fiery as she was she really did not care how it came across. Though she did not really wanting a fight on her hands just because she acted like she was better than him but have that tone to her. Though her infliction when to a very soft side when she truly spoke to the puppy, something only a woman that was a mother once could do.

”My name is Ilusion Lykoi, I am from a pack far from here in the north. A place much warmer than this area” She spoke in almost a mimicking tone of Regner’s, a smile still on her lips. Her eyes moved back to the pup as she took the fur cloak she had beside her, gently with her sharp teeth. Her small form stood up, moving closer to them. A rather daring move but she meant no harm, instead she dropped her precious cloak next to the bundle already made and then moved one of that rather warm ends and placed them lover Adelle’s head. Though was even more daring was how close she stayed, she backed up only a few steps and laid back down. Ilusion looked at the larger male, not really caring how he acted. She was never going to hurt the girl, so he had nothing to fear. She was just trying to keep the little one warm, no harm in that right? ”How old is she?” She then asked breaking the silence.

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