Burning a bridge of gold

Many would be disgusted. Many would be ashamed or be angry, violent, eager to cast off and disown the sinners and abandon them in their time of need. But not her. Not she who had given birth to them both, as Pandora had done to their incestuous offspring. She was smaller than him, smaller than her as well and yet she resided over the scene before her like a giant surveying her land, by this default she appeared larger than both her son and her daughter, the latter of whom was asleep.She would not be so judgmental and cruel to her spawn, where she was form the act was not encouraged but nor was it frowned upon, if it happened then it happened if not then it didn't. There was no complications just simplicity like most of her ways.

He was a long time in realising that she was watching him from the hole in the wall, and the way that he greeted her told her that he thought she had not been there long, there was no jumpiness, no suspicion within his expressive eyes. His hug was returned and while she was up close she took the opportunity to observe her new grand daughters. If only Lily had been here to see them, Jace was sure she would have been so proud, as proud as she was of Jace for baring many children herself, healthy and alive. She raised an ashen paw to stroke them and one mewled, objecting the disturbance, the small cry was smiled at by the older female, the gesture severely distorting the scars upon her face that had only appeared to deepen as she had aged.

"Honrin." She spoke back, a short sentence. She was a sly old dog was Jace and her gaze slid to her oldest daughter, the first ray of sun into her life of the girls she had birthed. She knew, and she had known for quite some time, well over a year of the connection between her oldest two. Far be it for her to destroy their happiness together, within the Arctic you grabbed onto whoever you found and held on tight, lest the screaming wind tear them away from you. She knew that if she had challenged them upon it then she would have seen neither of them again, their loyalty was to each other rather than her anymore, she could live with this.

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