Burning a bridge of gold
Pandora wriggled in her sleep, the slight pains of her birth still fresh in her body. Her dreams filled of her daughters, happiness with their father and her. They were free in her dreams, free to express themselves as lovers and parents. As she could feel the warmth of her Honrin around her she smiled. Her tail twitching lightly as it wagged with delight within her dream. She could not think of names for her daughters but she knew they would come when they felt right. For now they were just their loves.

Whispers could be heard and her light sleep started to slip away from her as she whined lightly. Then the sounds became audible. Their mother had arrived and she was about to open her eyes and greet her with her usual smile. Then her words became clear, her voice a pain to Pandora’s heart. She was not pleased with her and the realization came with more pain than the idea of being caught as her brother’s lover. Was her mother displeased? Angry? Disgusted? She could not tell and the fear built up into a light whimper as her eyes carefully opened.

Mama? It was clear she was frightened now not just of their mother but what if they were exposed, their safety net of lies torn from them leaving them to fall to their dismay. What would happen to her daughters if others found out? She couldn’t tear her heavy lidded gaze from her mother then to even look at them and wanted to say everything, tell her everything. It always nagged at her like a thorn in her paw, wanting to tell her mother things daughters do for those they love and she was sure her brother felt the same. They loved their mother, their family more than anything else. Her whimpers continued lightly her body frozen in a shock and fear that refused to shake. She could never read her mother or many others so a smile was often her only sign of success. But her nature was lost in that moment the situation laden with so many possible outcomes she didn’t know what to do.

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