Safe & Sound
I kinda of raged here. Sorrrryyy ><

Sometimes, things weren't as simple or easy as she liked them to be. She was grown up, had been doing her own thing since she was about 5 or 6 months old and she was one years and two months or something like that old now. But still, the word family didn't apply to her in any sense. A family was there for you. A family was strong and loving, kind and forgiving. A family, was everything she had ever wanted, but also everything she had never truely had. Sure, she'd had an illusion of family. She knew absolutely nothing about them anymore.

Again her gaze flitted to the wolf before her. She had known each wolves scent in her pack, except this one. She knew in her heart this wolf to be a some kind of pack mate. Family to her. And watching the older wolf, she felt her heart heat a bit. Felt that protective air encircle her again, wrapping around her charmnig form. The aura that seemed to draw other wolves to her, the one that was as colored as the rainbow with warmth and friendliness in it. And she felt pain stab at her heart as disgust twisted the older male's adorable face. Her breathing faltered for a second, and she forced the swift shot of pain from his visage. She had to remember, this was still a complete stranger to her. She couldn't be sure what this male's family had treated him. The disgust switched to a blank look, one that made her look like she was fighting for an answer that was just out of reach. Insomnia's smile saddened, her multi-colored pools deepening with faith.

Insomnia's jowls were firmly shut, her jaws clenched tightly together in her war of emotions. She was fighting for safe ground, somewhere that was neutral. A piece of wood perhaps, that she could cling to in this sudden ocean of feelings, the storm of confusion that raged through her. Sure, she liked to say she was happy. And she really was. But there was still greed, and wounded pride deep down in her, in the memories. Those stupid memories. They always came back to haunt her. But then, the little whelp's voice spoke out. “I would be careful, sister.” The wolf who probably didn't know how much she would give to selfishly switch places with him at that given point in time. "I hope I am careful brother. Her hackles stirred, and then smoothed. The young females voice ripped from her inner-turmoil, and shredded the last of her hate. As quickly as it had come to ravage and rage within her, it fled before something stronger. Something better.

A brotherly, family like emotion. Love? She didn't know but for now, just affection. Still there was a bitter-after taste of regret and jealousy, but she focused instead on the tang, the flavour of this affection. It was sweet, and had a very... she couldn't think of a way to describe it. So instead, she just simply didn't. Now, she reclined back on her slender haunches, her gaze locked on the other creature. "I am Insomnia, and who might you be?" Her gaze flicked away, and she decided it would be better to elaborate. Perhaps then the wolf would understand her emotions and maybe she wouldn't. She just needed to put trust into someone, letting all her rage and emotions out. She didn't want to hurt anyone in this process though, thus why she had held it in all this time. Her gaze shifted up, and walked towards the male and stopped about 3 feet away. "I'm sorry for being harsh... I just.. have a lot of things stirred up in me at the moment.." her voice trailed off. Could she trust this wolf though they were in the same pack, same family .

WC: 651

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