[M] Protectiveness

Drunk Neela is rambly, oh so very rambly. Added an [M] tag because of Neela's language and drinking.

Word Count → 732

A smile slid onto Neela's face as Kiara answered in the affirmative and the collie spoke, her words a tiny bit clearer, "Ye should visit em sometime. Family is… family is special ya know? Ya never know when it'll be taken away." Neela paused and looked at her flask but decided against it, despite her current condition Neela was usually responsible about her drinking; today she had simply misjudged the effect her lack of sleep would have on her.

Neela's eyes suddenly fixed Kiara with an oddly clear gaze, amber eyes locked into sapphire as the collie spoke once more, "Yer the closest thing ah've got ta' family y'know? You an Jace an… well that’s it really," Neela whined and her voice took on a self deprecating tone, "Been 'ere nearly two months an ah've barely spoken ta' anybody more'n once. Pathetic." Neela suddenly took a large swig from the flash and then sat backwards, her eyes staring off at the ceiling.

When she had set out to find Kiara Neela had had a clear idea of what she wanted to say to the younger wolf but by this point tiredness and drink had taken their toll on her mind and she was quickly slanting off into the realm of rambling, albeit rambling loosely related to her original topic, even so it was a rather abrupt change in the conversation that spawned Neela's next sentence "Mah mother was an utter bitch y'know? She was a murderer, used ta lure men in with 'er body an slit their throats when they slept. Worked pretty well fer 'er up until one of em get 'er pregnant. Ah was unplanned an she never loved me, she made tha' perfectly clear. Ya see this 'ere?" Neela pointed to the scar below her ear, "Bitch threw a knife at me when she was in a temper, damn near killed me a couple'a times until soma tha townsfolk found out an drove 'er away."

Neela started to grope into thin air blindly with her left hand, seeking the comfort of Kiara's fur but missing as she was still staring at the roof, her face drifting into a wistful smile, "Did ye know ah have a son Kiara? Lovely boy, I think he's about yer age, maybe a little bit older." Neela's face suddenly contorted and her ears folded flat against her head, "Can’t even remember how old mah own son is, shows what kinda fuckin' mother ah'am doesn' it?"

Neela's eyes dropped from the roof straight into her lap and the collie hunched forward as she continued, unable to keep still, and then she began to whimper, the small pathetic sounds mixed in with her words as she continued talking after taking another swig from the rapidly draining flask, "Evvryhin good ah have ah fuck it up. Evvryone who loves me ah drive em away, make em hate me" Neela thought of the town where she grew up, where she had lived and where she had loved. A town that would now bay for her blood if she ever set foot in it again. For the first time since she had started talking Neela looked straight at Kiara, her eyes bleary and out of focus but still able to locate the younger canine, "Mah mate is dead through no fault of anyone other than mahself an mah own fuckin' stupidity. An mah son? When 'e found out…" Neela put down the flash and, with both hands, pulled apart the thick fur on her chest, revealing the long, winding scar that snaked down between her breasts, "…'e tried ta kill me"

Neela slumped back against the wall again, one hand blindly groping for the flask. For a few seconds Neela was quiet and then she spoke again, her voice tired and quiet, lacking the drunken energy that had filled her speech before, "Sometimes ah wish he'd succeeded. Or that ah'd had the balls ta do it properly mahself," Neela paused again to shift her arms wrist up, revealing the scars across each wrist. Neela stayed still for a while before she suddenly moved violently, lifting the flask to her lips and completely draining it before letting the empty vessel drop to the ground as her head followed her body and slumped against the wall, eyes drooping, as Neela spoke once more, in that same tired, quiet voice. "M'sorry Kiara."

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