Light at the end of the world
Dalgina crouched down as the falcon ran her beak through her fur. The rough spots were flattened quickly. Dalgina would have complained, but at this point she was so used to being subjugated to baths at any time anywhere she remained quiet, just hoping it would end quickly. Having black fur was supposed to make it so you could bathe less often, since the dirt was hard to see. Dalgina's habit of getting dirty had reversed that though. With no one knowing when she would be truly clean Dalgina was constantly washed, making her one of the cleanest pups in the pack.

Once the grooming stopped Dalgina darted her tongue out, licking the falcon's beak. She felt no fear, just as she hadn't as a pup. Just curiosity and a gentleness that pushed her to befriend anyone likely to be a friend, whether they were canines or not. Dalgina turned at Neela's answer, causing her ears to flatten. What a sad thing. Dalgina couldn't imagine anyone wanting to hurt her friend. Dalgina really liked her. She wandered over, and licked at the blood, trying to clean it away. The music started again, and Dalgina sat back with a thump. Her tail wagged softly as she listened, swaying slightly to the sound. Lifting her head Dalgina sang along, a wordless mismatch, though her voice was silken, a gift from her mother's side of the family.

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