Quest for a new toy

OOC here.

Word Count → 378

As the snow wolf walked blindly through the cloud of dust she saw a flash of red. Quickly Kiara followed the fur like a beacon and soon both canines were out of the dust cloud. Neela had professed that she was alright, which was a great relief to the younger wolf. The collie's fall looked and sounded nasty, so Kiara was more than happy to know that her new friend had come out unscathed.

The non-luperci's sapphire orbs became rounded disks as her eyes widened in surprise. There was Neela, shifting into lupus form. It was something Kiara had not seem very much and she always loved to watch the strange process with a sense of awe. Her form melted and blended and changed quickly. The last thing to shift was her shoulders, and they lurched with a loud snap before settling into position. The ear rattling sound made Kiara flinch. It sounded like it had really hurt, although Neela seemed to enjoy the sensation. Kiara cocked her head to the side, confusion rattling her brian. How could something that sounded so awful feel good? Giving up, Kiara shook her head. She resigned her self a while ago to not understanding the ways of the multi-forms.

Together, Neela and Kiara padded over to the box where Kiara got an impromptu lesson on pad locks. Kiara didn't know what they were, or what a lock was for that matter, but Neela said it was broken so the box could be opened. At first there wasn't really anything interesting in the box. Just green rectangular leaves and some other dried leaves that made Neela excited. Neela called the dried leaves "idiot leaf" as well as something else in a language Kiara didn't know. Whatever they were, they didn't peak Kiara's interest. There was another object that Neela pulled out and this one did catch Kiara's interest. The collie dragged the strange glass object over to the light so they could inspect it. The arctic wolf watched as it sparkled and shined in the dim light. Although she had no idea what it's purpose might be, it sure did look pretty. "Honestly, I wouldn't know. I don't know about human things. I can't shift so they don't really hold my interest."

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