he said he wanted heaven, but praying was too slow
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Claudius Aston — Archives

  • — Pack thread
  • — Joining thread
  • — Mature thread

2008 — The Creation
  1. — eternity (Dec 31) with Tayui and Ember

  2. 2009 — The Birth
  3. Box (Jun 20) with Noir and Cow
  4. without yesterday. (Sep 18) with Addison
  5. they say they ride horses! (Nov 6) with Conor

  6. 2010-2011 — The Rebirth

  7. of dire circumstances (Jun 20) with Tayui
  8. Two years, and the fire grows (Dec 14) with AniWaya
  9. Settling in (Dec 21) with Nian
  10. Smoke Signals (Jan 1) with Ocèane
  11. But he'll always be a problem (Jan 2) with Liliana
  12. Teardrop (Jan 5) with Dawali and Ocèane
  13. You were, you were beautiful (Feb 10) with AniWaya
  14. Trapped - digging out the Town Hall (Feb 22) with Liliana, Nayati, Dawali, Ayasha, and Sakari
  15. he'll always be another one of us (Mar 5) with Tatiana
  16. there's no relief in bitterness (Mar 29) with Jefferson and Sakari
  17. You have to learn to face it all (Mar 31) with Dawali
  18. you say it was this morning when you last saw your good friend (1 Apr - 31 May) Spirit journey
  19. Know your place (Jul 15) with Maska and AniWaya
  20. Nasgi Adaleniha (Jul 18) with Wematin and J'adore
  21. nothing ever happens by itself (Jul 19) with Luna
  22. in liberating strife (Jul 20) with Voron
  23. I refuse this poison (Aug 7) with Ralla etc
  24. Like thieves in the night (Aug 9) with Maska and AniWaya
  25. By River We Come to Spirit You Away (Aug 10) with AniWaya vs Crimson Dreams Raid Thread
  26. You see by the lines on my hands (Aug 10) with Silvano
  27. So will you come to burn an effigy? (Aug 12) with Crimson Dreams party and Maska

  28. 2011-2012 — The Metamorphosis
  29. start with your name. (Aug 25) with Attila
  30. With patience, wrongs are turned right (Sep 8) with Anu
  31. Sittin' in the sand (Sep 20) with Dixie-May
  32. With weeping trees and just enough nightfall (Oct 17) with Maska, Dawali, Haven, Shikoba, and Savina
  33. Keep those teeth to yourself (Oct 31) with Silvano and Giselle
  34. These hooves tread softly (Nov 1) with Ulilohi
  35. Lawbreakers' Second Chance (Nov 5) with Matteo and Gemma
  36. Lets start a riot (Nov 15) with Alaki and Panda
  37. The water which supports a boat can also sink it (Nov 17) with AniWaya
  38. Didayolihv dvgalenisgv (Nov 26) with AniWaya
  39. Who knows where I'll be tomorrow... (Jan) with Matteo, Gemma, Anatole, and Light
  40. I'm not gonna listen to what the past says (Jan) with Anatole
  41. Older brother, restless soul, lie down (Feb) with Neela
  42. Carving Lessons (Feb) with Hadley
  43. Anuyi - First New Moon of Spring (Mar) with AniWaya
  44. Exchanges (Mar) with Ulilohi
  45. everything looks perfect from far away (Mar) with Terra
  46. Nasgiyai nugvwayusadegi (Mar) with Ulilohi and Matteo (and AniWaya)
  47. I have time (Apr) with Tayui
  48. Can it Happen? (Apr) with Terra
  49. Symbols, origin, family (Apr) with Ulilohi and Io
  50. Asdawadvsdi (May) with AniWaya
  51. The Life of Traders (May) with Jazper, Biff, and Skye
  52. bend the branches (May) with Ulilohi, Luna, and Io
  53. Lose some, gain some (May) with Eclipse
  54. my heart, waiting in the rain (Jun) with Aranck, Luna, Hadley, Dalgina, and Jiya
  55. goodbye windows. (Jul) with Luna
  56. Niduyugodvna adaduhisdodi (Jul) with Ulilohi and Naniko
  57. Only love can build us a bridge of light (Jul) with Gemma
  58. Homecoming (Jul) with Saqui
  59. passing through nature to eternity. (Aug) with Vigilante and Strelein
  60. I am of the Great Spirit (Aug) with Saqui
  61. leaving again. (Aug) with Tayui
  62. just one move puts me by myself (Aug) with Vesper
  63. Flames reunited (Sep) with Fire Lynn
  64. and then it falls. (Sep) with Anatole
  65. in and out of consciousness. (Sep) with Everly
  66. The Sound of a heartbeat (Oct) with Raphael and Everly

Post log credit goes to Tears, Bones & Desire
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