he said he wanted heaven, but praying was too slow
AniWaya Rank Threads
Equa Gatlvska
  1. Settling in (Dec 21) with Nian

    Claudius helps Nian Redtree build a den. They discuss various building techniques and Claudisu even helps out with his odd knowledge of human buildings and his love of pedology and geology. Nian wants to dig a hole for the poles, but Claudius points out that they wouldn't survive the unthawing in the spring. They work out a new solution to make a temporary, but sturdy, hut that will last the winter.

  2. But he'll always be a problem (Jan 2) with Liliana

    Claudius seeks out Liliana to apologize for his behaviour when Ocèane returned to AniWaya. He brings with him his supplies to dye something as a gift. Liliana finds a wool blanket and suggests it to be dyed. Claudius realizes the blanket isn't clean enough, so Liliana washes it and lets it dry. Claudius returns a few days later and the pair work together to prepare a dye bath for the blanket.

  3. Carving Lessons (Feb) with Hadley

    Claudius encounters Hadley, a visiting non-tribemember. Claudius notices he is carving a bowl and inquires about it. The two then try to find ways to shape it into a bowl with their combined crafts skills. Claudius shows Hadley how to use a chisel and a rock to carve it smoother, but Hadley ends up cracking it. So they set out to find some spruce tree sap and hunt for an animal to make a sticky glue of sap and animal fat.

Gadui Gatlvska
  1. Older brother, restless soul, lie down (Feb) with Neela

    Claudius meets Neela, a craftswoman at the Winter Festival. They discuss different types of carving and Neela explains how to build a large boat. Since Claudius has only seen canoes, he is astounded that something so large could be built.

  2. I am of the Great Spirit (Aug) with Saqui

    Claudius seeks out a member of the Great Tribe, hoping they know about basket-weaving. He finds Saqui, who takes him out to find some honeysuckle plants. They harvest some of the plants that are still alive and Saqui then shows him how to weave a basket.

Dyeing and Craft Resources

  1. "How to Naturally Dye Wood", eHow. 8 Jan 2011.
  2. "How to Extract Natural Dyes?", eHow. 23 Mar. 2011.
  3. "How to Prepare a Dye Bath", eHow. 23 Mar. 2011
  4. "How to Dye Wool Naturally", eHow. 23 Mar. 2011
  5. "Natural Dyes, Mordants, and Helpful Tips", The Joy of Handspinning. 19 Jun. 2011.
  6. "Aboriginal Cooking Tools", eHow. 22 Jan. 2012.
  7. "Canadian Aboriginal Fishing Tools", eHow. 22 Jan. 2012.
  8. "Plantain Remedies", eHow. 30 Jan. 2012.
  9. "Spruce", Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute. 5 Apr 2012.
  10. "Cherokee Baskets", Cherokee Nation, 19 Aug 2012.
  11. "Weaving a Wicker Basket: The Most Comprehensive Tutorial on the Internet", John's Bushcraft, 19 Aug. 2012.
  12. "Wildlife & Birds of Nova Scotia", Government of Nova Scotia, 22 Aug. 2012, 13 Oct. 2009.

Rank thread ideas
  1. Weapons craftsmanship: Claudius tries to replicate the spear that Ulilohi gave him, with the assistance of another skilled craftsperson.
  2. Learn how to build a canoe.
  3. Learn how to weave a basket out of honeysuckle. In progress


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