[M] Let he who is without sin cast the first stone
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

lolol I forgot Helotes is religious. This thread is awesome.

Word Count » 500

It was obvious, to a stranger that shared his blood, what sort of beast lingered under the surface. Ezekiel was complicated. He had not been like this before, when he had run through the wilderness learning the names of all plants and how to shoot a bow to cut the wind. Once he had been a golden child, chosen by the sun and by godparents who had loved him, safe and free from pain and suffering. Had he not returned, he might have run off into a land and found a different man within himself. Yet he had, chasing his family, chasing the only woman who had ever been able to dig so deep into his back that the betrayal struck his heart.

A black pit had grown, years ago, when he had tried to be a man and not a boy. His ribs had been shattered, and with it, his mind. Oh what darkness he saw, in and out of the between of dreamless sleep and living hell. Pain was his life. He had suffered the way no boy should suffer and it had cost him. Twin scars burned on his face, darkened against the pale fur that even in winter blazed a burnished gold so light it was nearly white. Once more he faced a face of opposite cloak and color, and found him as a man might find himself in a broken mirror. Except this was no mirror; he was higher yet, holier, mightier. Who could say he was not, when his father had been God?

His morality was not one of a rational man. He feared ghosts and demons and saw traitors in every whisper. Ezekiel’s hands spoke of his hypocrisy alone; blood red and nicked and cut from who knew what. Inferni was no different than wolves. They all killed. They all sinned. Yet he smiled still and listened to the story he knew oh so well as if perhaps this was not the case, for Ezekiel too was a liar. This was his greatest gift of all and it had sunk deep into his bones and deeper still into the pit of a soul that yet lived in his belly.

A single ear flicked, displaying the dismissal of such pains. Helotes turned from him and for an instant a dark and terrible chasm ripped across his face, tearing it asunder in a terrible and silent snarl that too quickly slid into impassiveness and was missed. He smiled thinly even as his mind spun clockworks and his words slipped into a low, quiet rumble. “I only say what I see, my cousin. You are a warrior; I chose you to fight for me for this reason. I only fear that you may yet face temptation and be destroyed by it.” A golden lock of hair fell across his face, framing it and making him appear almost angelic…were it not for the fire that yet burned in his eyes.

Then, surprisingly, he grinned. “How was she?”

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