being koi

Word Count → 000 :: Out of Character text.

Terra turned back to Vigilante, her tail giving a soft wag. She'd chosen well when she'd decided to join the pack. There had been so many she could have gone to, but only this one fit her rather unique needs of both a purpose and freedom. Her alpha cared about her, and felt her sorrow as well. Terra knew he'd fought in a war recently as well, proving his strength. What more could one ask from a leader? Playfully Terra reached up to tug on his ear before bounding over to where Hati was.

Reaching the puddle of water Terra stopped, watching the fish swim around. Poised at the edge Terra waited, watching for one to swim close. Her teeth snapped, trying to catch the fish. It was too quick for the amateur hunter though, and Terra only ended up falling in, soaking everyone within range. Growling Terra climbed back out, shaking her fur. What a time to get wet. It was still winter, making it rather cold. Terra was a land born creature as well, viewing water as something to drink and lose her scent in, nothing more. Terra looked over at Vigilante, tail wagging now.

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