whittling away the world
Dalgina's head cocked to the side curiously. What's a horse? She'd never heard of the creatures, and hearing that he was so big widened her mind. She pictured something similar to the goats she'd seen with Sage, except as big as a tree. What a large creature! No wonder Saul wasn't afraid of traveling beyond that pack. With such a thing with him, he could take over the world, find treasure, maybe even reach the moon! Awed by the idea Dalgina's eyes grew even bigger.

He asked what [html]ingali[/html] meant, causing the black pup to pout. He was the second person to ask her that, and she just didn't know how to answer. Dalgina knew no other word for it, so explaining it was fairly difficult. She was willing to attempt it though. Screwing up her nose Dalgina thought really hard about how to explain it. [html]Ingali[/html] is where my [html]talnala[/html] lives. We have a warm room to sleep in, and we keep together, and we're happy. That was a fairly good explanation.

Asking if she was alone Dalgina shook her head. No. I play with my [html]tinglas[/html], and Honrin, and Papa and [html]Mahn[/html] tells me stories! Very busy. But sometimes they go off, and I explore.

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