Replace Fear of the Unknown

When Oak asked her look at the merchants array of displayed products Anu was faced with much much more colorful objects and visual stimuli then she was used to. She paused in her step, and Oak stepped forward to look at a hanging necklace. One of the many pieces that hung from the wagon. The wolfess had never truly seen such a contraption, and neither had her son. The reddish male smiled at the golden female that walked up to them, not doubt the proprietor of the particular trading spot. He was easily ushered under the canopy, finding the whole experiences rather exotic. He held many things, rabbits, tied with ropes by their hide paws. A fresh gutted and prepped doe hoisted over his shoulder. Oak happily took the glass of wine that was offered, though Anu smiled and waved her hand gently to decline.

You have many beautiful things. I am Anu and this is my son Oak, we are from Crimson Dreams... The Dreamer introduced, speaking her normally soft tone. Her blue eyes scanned the doggish looking female up and down in a few glances, taking her in. I have lived in these lands many, many years and this is the first time a caravan has ever come through here. It's quite exciting. And frightening as well. So many packs colliding at once was not always a positive thing. They held boundaries for a reason.


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