New Grounds


The Dasa of Anathema patiently and quietly remained where he was, his rear plastered to the chilly rock, thankfully not too cold because of his pants. He understood that he’d crossed the border without any given permission he didn’t know how this pack would handle him. It made no sense for the male to turn tail and retreat back beyond the border, he figured it would be better to own up to his stupid mistake and try to make amends for what he had done if they were upset about it. His heart hammered away at his chest, uncertainty and doubt filling his mind. It felt like an eternity passed before somebody answered his call. He had barely noticed the presence of the other canine before he emerged out of what seemed like nowhere.

Directly ahead of him stood a thin grey and white man, his eyes were a shivering shade of blue. Mido knew nothing about him, he found it impossible to discern his age or anything else. Utterly clueless about the canine near him he remained silent. The only thing that was obvious to the multicolored mix was the irritation he could see in the male’s eyes, feeling as though he were being torn apart visually. The member of this pack unknown to the Dasa told him he had been trespassing and that he was a stranger. Mido’s ears fell as far down as they could physically go, he lowered his tail, in an attempt to try showing some respect. The males words were obvious enough, he crossed the line between this territory and the unclaimed earth. He was right about the trespassing on their lands part and about him being a stranger here, both bits of his statement were undeniably true.

The Anatheman dog held no argument against the statement. Yes, you’re very right. I was paying little attention to the surroundings and I crossed your borders, when I fully realized that I was in your territory I had come to halt, and so here I remain. It was very ignorant of him to not wait at the borders edge, but that was just what happened, he made an honestly stupid mistake. The Huskadore watched the mystery man for any signs at all, not getting much though. He explained about the crossing the border incident, but neglected to even introduce himself, though it may really not matter in any way shape or form. Please forgive me for my crime if you are able to. My name is Mido, and I am one of the Dasa’s from Anathema. I was told there was a group of canines that lived directly north from us. I wished to learn a little bit about your pack, if that was a possibility. The male explained his reason for coming here in the first place. He really wanted to learn about this pack. Mido got the impression from this encounter that he probably wouldn’t be welcomed here. He would more than likely be told to leave or forced to, which one he didn’t know.

Table by the Mentors!
my avatar is NATalicious

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