the colors of the mad and the wicked

Word Count → 362 :: Sorry for the wait on this!

Antykk's gaze lifted to the servant's face as soon as it seemed permitted; Molcaxitl, was her name. It was a rather odd name, but he supposed his own wasn't the most common name around either. Then, disclosure of the dark lady's name caused him to nod in acknowledgement and then rise to his feet, though his gaze was still lowered and his ears flattened against his head. He clasped his hands behind his back - the picture of a true gentleman as he stood tall and well-postured. Any man disrespectful to a woman is a man undeserving of respect himself, he stated in response to her comment. And this he believed firmly, for respect toward the fairer sex was something impressed upon him at a very young age.

The final question - or pair of questions - contorted Antykk's face as he thought...and thought...and thought. Home...this was a concept he was unfamiliar of since leaving his birth home many moons ago. And the notion of southern packs, though he knew there of course might be some, was foreign for he did not know they existed for certain. So he answered as best he could: I don't have a home to return to m'lady, if that is what you are asking. The wind, as it were, takes me to wherever a safe rest for the night may be found. But I expect you have a warm den to return to, no? He bit his tongue then, deciding it best not to speak any further for fear of sounding headstrong.

His eyes fell on the horse's feet then, and immediately he wondered why one beast would ride upon another. His own legs seemed to suit him well enough in travel; he'd never even thought of acquiring an alternative mode of transportation. But he supposed, however foolish it seemed, that it had to help in one way or another or this creature would not do it, for she seemed sensible enough. At that moment, his hands unclasped and one extended to touch the muzzle of the bay, and his amber eyes met the dark woman's for only a fleeting moment before he asked, May I?

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