The Roles We Play

Word Count → 347 :: Finally! Sorry for the wait; couldn't seem to conjure a suitable response for this one.

Antykk strolled along the bay, his four-legged form a muscled spot against the shoreline. His head hung low, his mind engulfed in contemplative thoughts as he wandered in no particular direction. Eventually he would seek food, but not yet...he had no need for it yet.

The snow grew deeper as he moved away from the water's edge and farther inland, slowing his steps and chilling even his flesh. His nose tilted skyward as he caught the scent of another on the wind...and another still. Two creatures in the distance, part of a pack as well...a familiar pack, even the same that Eris belonged to. Was Fate to bring them together again? No, another sniff revealed that this creature was male, as was the second. Curiosity alone encouraged his speed now, as he trekked farther inland in an attempt to greet these strangers...that is, if they were friendly. If not, he knew well enough how to defend himself.

Soon the figures were visible as Antykk came to a stop at the top of a small hill. Two males played in the snow below, both in optime form. Finding it suitable to be on equal grounds with the strangers just as he had done with the dark lady, he shifted to his optime form as well, concentrating on the lengthening of his limbs and the contortion of his overall frame. He pushed his dark hair from his face as he stepped forward, his tail swaying lazily behind him...and then he stopped. How had he not seen it before? The second male was a child...a young boy just as his own had been before the tragedy that haunted his every dream and tainted his every waking moment. Neff... he muttered, as if weakly trying to call out to the boy that had suddenly taken on his son's features in his mind's eye. But reason soon forced him to acknowledge the fact that his child was long gone, and this one belonged to the other male. He stood still, his tall figure slumped in resignation a safe distance from the pair.

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