...by Association
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Falling behind as support on a hunt was not a role the woman was used to, nor did she feel put off by it. The only time in which was played the role of support was with her mate, and even then their roles alternated to better accommodate the other’s attacks. Together, they worked well systematically, rotating efforts fluidly until it was time for the kill in which case her fangs always delivered the killing blow…unless she was feeling generous. The golden death-dealer did not know how she felt particularly at the moment, but recognized the call to arms once the male lead caught scent of their quarry.

In a soft rustle of wings, her avian predator took flight in an instant, his eyes centering on a lame doe trailing the rear of the harem. While the wolves crept, he soared overhead to survey the mindless beasts as they lumbered on unaware of the danger lurking near them. Yet when they became startled, the chase was on, and as the beasts hurried off to escape the danger closing, the nameless bird swept from his impressive height toward the struggling female.

As the tawny male strode beside her awaiting the fangs of the owl’s golden master to wound her, the speckled bird descended with outstretched talons to her face, and where his beak may have been useless, his curved knives were not. The beast let out a horrid bellow when frenzied claws tore through the soft gel of its eyes, rendering it blind and aimless. As her frantic strides became more erratic, the waiting she-wolf charged forward from her seclusion and into the thick of the scene. Her form was a body of reserved power expelled with each impressive grasp of the ground. Her fangs were unfurled and ready, seeking the vulnerable backside of the beast as she neared. She had heard the direction, but her strength was better used for a more wounding blow.

Weight and muscle plowed into the lame side of the deer with tooth and claw sinking into the flesh with her bound. Her ears were deaf to the female’s cry as they were filled with pounding blood and adrenaline. As it continued to buck and kick to free itself, she held fast to its backside only sliding gradually with each jerk of its erratic movements freeing more blood to stain the white ground. But her intentions were made true to slow the female down just long enough for the killing blow. All she need do was wait for that theft of precious life.

ooc: 427 words.


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