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Word Count → 220 ::

Antykk watched closely as the fae seemed to examine his every feature, shifting his weight anxiously from one foot to another. He wasn't used to having anyone, particularly a female, analyze him so closely. The last time someone had scrutinized him, in fact, the night had ended in ruins. His expression remained indifferent, however, as he took in her scent again from where he was standing in one long, silent inhale.

At the disclosure of her name, Antykk's large tail flicked happily and he opened his maw to comment on the pleasure of their meeting or the like. But a sudden touch against his shoulder rendered him speechless, and he looked down at the girl with a questioning glint in his eye. She, however, seemed to take no notice, for she followed her touch with a comment on his travels. He nodded, for he indeed had wandered a great distance since departing from his family. He couldn't help but wonder, however, how a mere sniff and a touch could portray this to the girl. Nonetheless, he remained still through and through, as if his very being were comprised of stone. The only things that moved were his amber eyes as they followed Terra curiously, and his galloping heart inside his chest as he realized how lovely this creature actually was.

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