This Moment that Defines Us
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With all matters that tended to test her, this one was no different in commanding a considerable amount of poise and patience. It was not that she believed herself to be better than the more slender being or that she claimed some superiority in some way. It was simply that she was not keen on allowing herself to become angry when faced with hostility. Like any other, it was a irritancy she would rather be rid of, but she had learned earlier in life that many circumstances like these would arise and facing them with anger or similar energy would only exacerbate the situation.

And so, when faced with his arrogance lent by his pack and the suspicious air that surrounded him, she continued to smile softly and sincerely even wagging her tail in show of good faith. “I doubt the residents of the lands would give up the mountain without a fight,” she offered with a kind trill of her voice. “Others need the mountains to roam and hunt as well. But it is an ambitious reach, I will admit.” A foolish one as well, but it was better left unsaid.

Patiently her eye drifted from the silver form to the lengthy weapon in his possession. This was the second time she had encountered an infected being that sought the use of a long weapon. Perhaps there were a purpose she was not understanding, she tilted her head in thought of the instrument. Or perhaps it was a requirement for the Infernian hybrids. Either way, she looked to the weapon with a curious glimmer then carefully let her eye drift back to her greeter. When asked for whom she waited for, the woman slowly shook her head.

“I have learned from others of your pack that the word ‘traitor’ is used rather abruptly for those that associate with wolves.” Again her gaze drifted to the weapon and the arm attached to it, searching the staff for a tell of movement… or intent to strike. Despite her caution, she allowed herself a soft bout of amusement. “For the sake of keeping another from being branded as such, I would rather keep their name out of it.” And then her ears perked with intrigue as glowing eyes fell upon his slender face with interest. “But it would be an honor to know your name. I am X’yrin, an Exultare to the Nomads and Kozan of Ichika no Ho-en. But you may call me Exultare… or simply X’yrin if you’d like.”

ooc: 419 words.


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