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Word Count → 230 ::

The poor fool would merely nod at her jest, a chuckle or even a smile something that was not in his nature. He watched as she sat in the snow, and soon enough mimicked her movements, his knees bending and allowing him to sit as well. He nodded again at her mention of being in a pack, his mind wandering briefly toward the thought of what if he had joined one months ago. But he simply listened to the female, making no notion to answer with words until a silence followed that persuaded him to speak.

Are you travelling alone then, or with your pack? he asked, knowing that although it was more likely she was on her own, it was still common for packs to hunt together. At his own question, he glanced about as if expecting a barrage of wolves to come raining down on them, teeth bared and claws unsheathed. But the forest was as still as he, showing no signs of other creatures at the moment. He allowed his gaze to meet Terra's as he looked back at her, his warm hues focusing on her own. His expression remained indifferent as before, but was warmed this time with something that he couldn't quite distinguish. Despite his near-perfect posture, his tail wagged lazily behind him and he soon found himself mentally coaxing it to relax, however unsuccessfully.

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