Burning a bridge of gold
Eyes of amber widened as she spoke and his world all but crashed down around him. She knew? Of course she knew! He was stupid to have thought he could deceive her with something so huge, so monumental. Fear blossomed strong and overpowering through his chest and seeped into his golden amber eyes, she took a step back as he did as well, clutching his children closer to his chest as he did so. He would protect them, even from the woman who was so close to his heart that only one other beat her in this. He didn't want to but he would. Images of his mother bleeding and hurt on the ground, caused by his own paws flashed before his eyes and the man felt sickness rising in his throat. The man finally realised he was trembling, shaking like a new born calf in the cold wind.

He tried to speak, opened his mouth and then shut it again, a low whine coming from his maw and mingling with the one that the now awakened Pandora produced. She too was scared, frightened of their beautiful mother and the wrath she could unleash on the pair. Honrin would be stupid to think he could ever hurt her just like he could not lie to her. Jace would have him disemboweled before he could even make a move to thwart her. She had passed on her ceremonial knives to Pandora two years prior but had procured long before that a set of even deadlier looking weapons made from the tusks of some huge animal he had no knowledge of.

Pandora's cry almost broke his heart and he shifted position again, as Jace spoke, to stand in front of her, hiding her from Jace's eyes. If she should punish anyone then let it be him, let it be his skin that was sliced and his blood spilled instead of his love's, his sister's. It was a stand off, what would she do now that she made her knowledge of them a wide statement. His mother had always been unusually hard to read when she wished to be.

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