Far from home
OOC: Words: 221

"Oh, wow, sorry," she gasped, realising the bird was still living - and more, actually being wrapped warmly in her own fur: clearly a treasured companion. The reason for this was made clear by Neela, and Caprica gazed at her entranced. She was like Alaki with his crows - a bird trainer. The falcon was quite different to the crows close to, though, with her small head and sharply hooked beak. She had a ferocity even in her comatose state. "You can talk to her? You can tell her I think she's beautiful. When she wakes up, of course." The big-hearted D'Angelo was suffused with guilt for imagining the hawk a corpse, despite the animal's sodden and unmoving state making it an understandable assumption. Neela didn't seem to have taken it to heart, too, offering Caprica a swig from her flask, which smelled highly desirable. Caprica tasted it and her green eyes lit up, although they'd already been glowing by the firelight somewhat. "Spirits! All I have at home is wine. You are the best kind of stranger," she praised effusively, feeling the tingle in her toes from the swig already, and handed the flask back. "What are ya doin' down this way on a night like this, anyway?"


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