+- dancing through life .

wc 470

With a fully healed leg and a new sense of adventure, Savina had been exploring the lands around Twilight Vale more and more. This was the farthest north she had traveled since coming to this continent. She could smell the sea not too far off. A small smirk graced her slender muzzle as the salty breeze filled her nose. It comforted her. Her jade eyes looked up at the sky. It was dark, growing darker. The wolfess could smell the rain beginning to gather overhead. She shrugged it off, decided to explore a bit more before finding cover from the soon-to-fall storm.

Lithe legs carried her quickly over the terrain. The Lacerta stopped dead in her tracks as she saw a rather fat rabbit ahead. Still discouraged from the last time she had hunted her eyes narrowed at the sight. It hadn't seen her yet, but it wouldn't be long until it smelled her. Quick as lightning she ran and leaped forwards, mouth open, her deadly white teeth unsheathed. The metallic taste of blood flooded her mouth as she made contact with her prey. The Italian girl gave the dead rabbit in her mouth a vicious shake, as if to say "That was for the last of your kind that escaped me." She raised her head and tail triumphantly, delicious trophy in her maw. The wind carried a familiar scent that distracted her from the smell of her victory. Packmates, not far off either.

A large drop of water hit the female in the middle of her back, making her jump a bit. Savina looked up at the sky and another hit her right between the eyes. Guess its time to take cover. She began to trot towards the scent of her packmates, turning into a run as the rain began to downpour. The ebony lady was soaked by the time she reached the house. Her black form burst through the doorway and she looked up to find Jazper and Khaden. Jazper she had just recently gotten to know better, Khaden she had only met at the pack meeting. An almost unnoticeable smile broke across her maw, rabbit still grasped in her mouth. She dropped her catch the floor and shook her pelt, sending water droplets everywhere, including the two males. Her smile turned into a sheepish one. "Sorry about that. Wouldn't have done me much good to dry off outside though." The two year old walked a bit further into the house, leaving the rabbit on the floor in between the three of them. "How are you two doing? Jazper? Khaden? Looks like we might be in here for a while. I'm more than happy to share the hare if either of you are hungry." Onyx tail sweeping the floor behind her she looked kindly at both of them.


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