Romeo oh Romeo, where art thou my Romeo?

Should we stop here and begin another encounter tomorrow, or have one or two more (gotta go to bed soon, so it might last until tomorrow).

He had no words to meet hers as she led him to a nearby pain. His wounds did pain him, not only the new but old also. How she had known this...perhaps she had simply inferred, but he was good at masking the pain...was she that perceptive? He did not resist her as they walked, and welcomed her weight as she rested her head on his chest. As she closed her eyes, he closed his own. This was so unlike anything that had happened to him in all these years. Even Galdra had not shown him concern...he was a man and she was a woman, they had both been young, but both warriors still, wanting to unwind. This tenderness was something new entirely...something which touched him on a different level. As he closed his eyes, he felt the tenseness in his muscles relax. This feeling, this warmth, this other life which chose to be beside him was wonderful. How could it be moving so fast? He wondered that, as he sat speechless as she under the dappled light of the dense forest. It was of little concern right now, however.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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