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This is a longer one. xD Khaden had to pick up SOME stuff from Naniko. wc: 548

Khaden's laugh was unhindered. Unhindered by his psychotic sister and that damned Stygian with all of his fucked up ideas. Unhindered by the war, and how that was affecting his beloved Conri and Naniko. Unhindered by Naniko's mistakes that Conri sheltered him from. Unhindered from his abandoning mother, and the guilt that plagued him for being apathetic about her existence. Unhindered from the social awkwardness of not truly knowing how to act, how to compose himself in front of Ember. His laugh was simply unhindered by his life. It rang out, a joyous melody that was a declaration to his situation that he wasn't going to let this get to him. He had his reprieve and little did he know that the reprieve came from the other femme.

Still twittering, he locked eyes with Ember, her demand was responded by his own chuckles. His head was tilted towards the side impishly, his face alit with that goofy, genuine smile. His legs seemed to be tangled underneath his body and half underneath Embers and the warmth of her body seemed to seep all over Khaden as he laid there, dazed and stunned by the afternoon's events. Even as she pried herself away from him, he just merely flopped over to the floor, sprawling out his body and continually just gazing at the girl.

A laugh emitted from his chest and he stared down, noticing but not registering the sticky liquid that matted his fur. Looking back up with that goofy smile, he saw the blood that gushed out of Ember's wound and it truly didn't sink in until a few seconds. His smile disappearing slowly before he finally jolted up, as if awaking from a dream. "You're... bleeding!" He stumbled, jade eyes widening with the impact of what was really happening. His paws shifted and stumbled again as he moved about, feeling like a total idiot. "Uh, stay there. I'll... I'll be back!" He said as he ran.

He went off within eyesight of Ember as he scouted readily for what exactly he was looking for. He thanked Naniko readily at what she had taught him previously. Yarrow, the wild indigenous herb, grew everywhere and Khaden knew that. It helped as a coagulant and as a disinfectant and the emerald eyed boy snatched up as many as he could find before moving to bandages. Sometimes it was far more handy to be in a constant fully shifted form, especially when others preferred to be clothed. It helped with any sort of bandages that were needed. Alas, he did not have any sort of bandages so he snapped up the closest plant that had wide, lengthy leaves and ran towards the girl.

He deposited it all afore her, taking a minute to close his eyes to shift. He wasn't much of a shifter, at least a full one (he rather preferred his halfling form to anything else) but he was a natural nonetheless. The transition of his body melting to a complete werewolf took him all of two minutes before he smashed up the yarrow. "I'm sorry this is taking a while... and I'm sorry that this is going to hurt." He looked up into Ember's eyes, furrowing them slightly. "Is it okay if I help you?"


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