Duty and family


Eris is by Nat!

The dark woman had not realized the difference in size between herself and the stranger at first. The distance made him appear peculiarly small in that way perspective interfered with reality, and the dark woman saw he did indeed tower over her short, stout form. The wolf's countenance did not change upon this realization, however; Eris remained as she had before, smiling snarl or snarling smile plastered across her charcoal-hued muzzle as she peered at the tall wolf. Strange words escaped his maw, and they gave the dark woman considerable pause. Her expression's anger deepened, but now it was marred by confusion, as well -- anger and confusion were generally dangerous bedfellows, but Eris Eternity valued her dark-hued hide far too much to risk it in attacking this man.

He took steps toward her, and the dark hybrid straightened imperceptibly, every muscle tightened to the extreme. She was ready to dart back toward Salsola, should the need arise. Her call would bring Miqui, Larkspur, and all the other muscle of Salsola. She knew the coyotes and wolves of her pack would rally at her distress cry, of course -- what other purpose did they serve, but to protect and mother one another? The dark-hued woman listened as the man again spoke, glad to hear his voice was one of a language she actually understood. Though normally Eris might appreciate the exotic tint these foreigners' tongues carried, now was not such a moment.

Her muzzle wrinkled even more, the smile/snarl becoming positively fierce. Unimportant? No, she corrected, shaking her head firmly to emphasize the disagreement. Keeping evils and would-be dealers of death from my homeland is not unimportant. His answer was pleasing enough, but the coyote did think his age odd for a wanderer. It was usually the young driven out of their homes by parents or simple wanderlust; this wolf appeared far too aged to be simply meandering. Your age seems great for one seeking a change of homeland, she commented, some of the venom leaving her voice. Now, there was curiosity in her tone, although perhaps this curiosity was as much falsity as her smile. Still, some of her persnickety facade had left her face, and now perhaps the dark-hued woman might appear more pleasant to the stranger.

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