[M] The Next Generation
In the course of a day the male had gone to the garden to check the winter plants. He had gone to the stables for some furs and some grain and hay for Casper. He had stopped by Esther's to check on the elderly matron, who had ignored him, muttering something about caves and shadows. While he was at Esther's, a small calico female had attached herself to his ankles, rubbing against him and purring. He had tried to disengage the little fluff ball, but she refused to free him from her rapt affection. He had looked to Ester for help, but she had only cackled in her inane way, nodding and muttering to herself. He had reluctantly returned to his home, where his pregnant mate was...

Yelling. She was yelling for him. Suddenly afraid for his love, he darted into the house, where she was laying on the couch, Fella crouched over her protectively. The calico was hot on his heels, yowling as the door shut on her tail. He paused a moment to open the door a crack so the cat could scoot free, then scurried to his mate's side. The amber glare of the larger feline only deterred him for a moment before he was gazing at his mate with fear and concern in his eyes. "What is it, Sky?" A sudden realization hit him.

"The puppies..." His voice was a breathless whisper full of wonder. His pups were going to be born. He looked down at her, taking her hands quickly, squeezing them gently. For a moment, he wished his mother was there, just incase something went wrong. Anything could happen. A pup could be breech, Sky could tear and loose too much blood, a cord could be wrapped around a pup's neck.

No wonder first time fathers were nervous wrecks. Hell, he was a medic, and he was nervous as a first time father. And this was the second litter of his to be born, and the third he'd actively delivered. He took a deep breath as if he were going underwater. Sky would need him to be strong now. All thoughts of the herbal salve he was going to make for Esther flew out of his mind. His concern and worry about the pack vanished. All that existed for him, in his world, was his mate and himself. Even the calico pawing at his leg didn't register to the snow hued scholar.

"Do you want willow bark, Sky? Or do you want to wait?" A hand was already on her distended belly, feeling the contractions, feeling that the pups were in the right position to deliver. His anxiety was ebbing and flowing like the tide. One moment he was anxious, a mess of nerves and worry, the next he was cool and collected as a healer should be.


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