One step closer
He was new to the pack, and still he knew the rules. If someone calls form the border, you go find out who they are and what they want. Granted, he was new enough he probably shouldn't do it, but he was restless and edgy. He wanted to spend time with his mate, but she was off doing whatever. Whatever. He made his way to the caller on two feet. Really, he needed to get himself his own horse. Riding would be so much more fun. He was sans his cowboy hat today, only wearing the black jeans and black wife beater tank top.

He halted a short distance away from the caller, golden eyes cold and hard. "What can I do for you, stranger?" The words came out soft, but dangerous. Yeah, Liam was spoiling for a fight, lately. The whispering butterflies egged it on, but the brown hued male welcomed it eagerly. He'd tried hunting to ease the restless feelings. No go. He'd tried, well, playing with himself. No go. Maybe a good fight would ease that need.

And if not? There were always rouges in the woods, shadow wolves that watched him, shadow wolves that taunted him from the depths of the cavern. His hands were in his pockets, his fingers idly stroking the shard of bone from the last shadow wolf he'd executed. Yeah, that's what he needed. He needed to execute and burn a shadow wolf. He needed to release the violence that was building up inside of himself.


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