How do you say goodbye?

Word Count → 1114 :: Zera'im please.


Venom was not an idiot in any way, really. The male just forgot about some things when he was high, and now seemed to be one of those times. He missed things when he was high, and one of those things were the barriers of energy that were surrounding the premises. He was a walking ball of energy himself, sometimes very erratic, and not standing still, and his footsteps were also filled with an energy that seemed to just be ripped from the earth because of his grounded walking technique that he naturally had. He had been slightly unaware of his power when he was high, and therefore, he would do things without really thinking.

When Panda and Venom had come into the room, it seemed as if the shaman had been aware of the thoughts, because she seemed to have an expectant look on her face when she rose her mismatched eyes to look at the two. The emaciated woman got up and stood to Panda's height, for Venom loomed over all of them, being near eight feet. He moved to a seat, and sat down. Something told him to, and that was when Zera'im spoke, and then she addressed Panda, and told her that she would tell her everything for some privacy from father and child. Panda looked to Venom, a slightly anxious look, but she knew that she was in no danger with the older woman. There was just something that was obviously bothering the woman, and Panda needed to know. She had noticed the signs, the leaving for days on end, the distance that Zera seemed to be trying to put between the two so that she and the child, and the father would not get too attached. Panda was not stupid to these things, she chose to ignore them though, until now, where she was about to see what was really going on. She could feel her heart sinking into her stomach though. She got anxious about this, and all of her senses were alert, and her spine had shivers running up and down them like mice crawling across a ships docking ropes. They tickled her spine as she stood there. She genuinely was nervous though.

"Let me grab a few things before we head out." she spoke to her friend, and she dismissed the woman to get whatever she may need, and Panda moved towards her room again. Lillith bounded after her, but Venom intersected and picked his daughter up. "Want, Momma, daadddy." spoke the girl as she reached out to her mother's direction. "Let momma get ready. She's gonna go outside, and it's real cold, so we gotta stay inside, okay, bambina?" asked the father as he licked his daughter's head. She huffed and looked up at her father, but could not find a way to be angry with him, so she released the anger in a flurry of licks to his chin, in which he took in stride.

Panda grabbed a few things, including her stone rose quartz and her pendulum, as well as her staff (this had the Thursaz rune etched into it by Venom, as well as other magickal enchantments placed by both Venom and Panda), a special cloak she had gotten from Ouija, made from a puma pelt, something that was seemingly rare in these parts, as far as someone actually going out to kill one for it's skin. Ouija had done it though, and didn't waste a lick of meat from that sucker either. He also was able to keep the tail in tact, and Panda did some hem work and she also fashioned the head of the puma into a hood for her to wear. She mounted the cloak onto her shoulders, and she had put the hood over her head and she also tied the pelt closed with the flexible tail that Ouija was able to preserve from the beast. She sighed lightly and tried to shake the bad feelings she was getting. She grabbed a few incense sticks, and a bowl. She also grabbed her small leather bag of magickal tools that she had. She tied this to her belt and then she walked back out of the room.

Venom knew what was happening when the woman had come out in that hooded pelt of hers. She did not wear the puma pelt unless she was going to do Magick. Venom's ears fell back on his head lightly, and he gave her a look, one that was longing. He wanted to participate, but he had to watch the child in this situation, and he was forced to sit out. Panda felt his energy shift before she had seen the look, but she had seen the look too, and she gave him a sad look and she shook her head lightly. It was one of, "You cannot join because this is not that type of ritual" not one of immaturity, or anything like that. Venom looked down at their child. Panda went over to Lillith, who was on Venom's lap and she bent down and touched foreheads with the girl. This was the loving touch of their family, something much more special than a kiss to them, really. "Momma will be back. As will Nana Zera." she spoke to the girl, and then she pet the baby's head and gave Venom the same head touch she had given her daughter and then she looked to Zera'im. Once she was ready, Panda would lead the two out of the den, and towards a more isolated part of the chambers where they could be in private.

"I did not get to ask, but how was your journey? Did you find anything that was useful for you?" she asked as she walked along the hallways, trying to make conversation so that she would not get uncomfortable about all of this. She knew in her heart though, that this all was going to be uncomfortable. She silently asked the god and goddess to not make this uncomfortable. There was also an edge to her voice that was slightly apprehensive, and almost careful of the things she asked. Panda knew it would be sensed, but there were some things that Panda knew that she couldn't hide from the woman. Actually, with someone as powerful as Zera, there were a lot of things that she could not keep from the woman. There were still times where Panda tried to keep things from her though. There were just some things that Zera'im did not need to know. That's what Panda believed anyway.

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image © Alaine!


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