Papa began to explain her problem, and Dalgina listened intently. Yes, she didn't know how to get up. Yes, she was certainly too small. Dalgina had already tried jumping up. It hadn't worked too well. She was just too small at the moment. Her tail gave a quiet thump on the bed as she waited for Papa to pick her up and place her on the bed. That was her solution. A perfectly reasonable one in her mind, too. After all, Papa was there and could certainly reach the bed. He could help her.

He didn't do that though, and talked about getting something to stand on instead. Dalgina pouted, not liking this turn. It would be easier if Papa just helped. I don't need something to stand on. You pick me up. Her childish mind only had one track, convinced that if it could be done Papa would do it. Maybe he hadn't realized that he could pick her up. Dalgina had explained it now, and her brown eyes stared expectantly, waiting to be scooped up.

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