It's not your fault, it's not your fault

Word Count → 306 :: Out of Character text.

Caprica agreed with her, causing Sophie to stick her tongue out at Boothe and wave her little bum in his general direction, since she couldn't exactly stick it in his face. At Caprica's questions, though, both puppies hesitated, Boothe right in the middle of enacting his revenge. Was Leon hurt bad? He hadn't really left the den in a while, Sophie remembered; Trigger had been bringing home all the food. Hesitating just a bit, Sophie finally shook her head, lifting a paw to rub at her ear uncertainly. "Um. No, Broofer not hurt bad." She said, and wrinkled her little nose, looking to Boothe for help.

"Not real bad," Boothe amended, and they nodded to each other, before turning back to her. "Him can walk! He just...doesn't. It huwts." Sophie explained, and would have gone on further to reassure their new friend, had they not heard Trigger calling for them not too far off. Both puppies winced a little; if Trig had noticed they were gone, Leon would surely be told, and they'd be in real trouble then. Even Boothe was afraid of bringing his wrath down on their heads, still not quite used to an un-wrathful male figure, and they began scrambling to leave before they got caught talking to a stranger.

Sophie paused as Boothe went barreling into the underbrush, shouting that they were coming, and smiled shyly at her new friend, pressing her ears to the side uncertainly. "Bye, Muss Cap-ri-ca! See you again soon sometime?" She added hopefully, and then had to scram, as Trigger's rather panicked cries of "Sophie!" were beginning to echo.

She paused again just before she reached her home clearing, and peered back through the trees, smiling to herself. She rather liked living here; it seemed every other day she was making new friends.

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