Walking Blindly Through Life.
http://i30.tinypic.com/124c39x.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 500px; border: 1px solid #fff; outline: 1px solid #9C9C9C; background-color: #286ABD;">
      Hybrid can just push Ember away and realizing that both of them will fight to the death he can be all like “screw this” and just go off, not wanting to get too many injuries himself and not thinking them worth the hassle?

It's a luscious mix of words and tricks

      Suddenly she was free. The lack of any new wounds being torn on her body made the blood splattered female remember the older ones with a grimace of pain. Her breath came hard, she felt dizzy as well. Just how much blood had she lost? And yet, looking behind her she knew she could not allow herself to collapse just yet. If she did she might just fall unconcious while Ember was still struggling with the coyote. The coyote might kill Ember and herself and then what? Shaking her head to clear it of the dizziness and the pain, Cercelee gained her second wind. Rushing as fast as she could, and realizing how useless her hind leg was at this moment, she leap at the male whom was being thrashed against a tree by Ember, quite successfully for how small Ember was. If she had not been injured she could have leap to her chest and attack him square in the face, but as it was her attack fell only to his stomach, which was just as well for that was the soft flesh that was easy to tear. And then as quickly as she could with her three good legs she bounded off to the side, before the coyote could retaliate. She was prepared to do this again and again, perhaps if there were the two of them, the coyote would give up. Maybe they could drive him away. If they didn’t Cer knew she couldn’t quit until one of them was dead, and that was not want the female wished for.


Table by Tammi!


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