Everything That I Do Is Never As Good As You.
yeah, she meant the lake in TV. When she finds out her old home is claimed by a new pack she will be sad sad sad girl. Yesh, we should have a Alexey, Adelaida, and Umbra thread. And find more non shifters XD.

His offer surprised her, and at the same time it did not. Of course Umbra would need more wolves to start a pack, and she was another wolf. Umbra might actually come to care for her as a friend and pack member, yet what if she was only a number to him? Smiling sincerely, glad for the offer and yet she found that she really did not have an answer, not just yet. While the idea of settling down had seemed so appealing, she found when asked to she could just throw herself in. What if some of her family returned? Or what if Umbra just suddenly vanished and she was left on her own again? Adelaida did not want to grow use to depending on others only to have that security swept away again. Maybe when there were more of them, maybe when there was less a chance for her to lose something that she knew she would come to care greatly about. "I don’t know yet. I still am so overwhelmed by all these new... creatures. And how many others... non shifters, are there?" Adelaida guessed not many, from the way Umbra had seemed so glad to meet her. "I think we’ll be meeting again, at least I hope so, and by then perhaps you have found lands you like and maybe... we’ll have found others like us." Like them, non shifters, a minority in the world it seemed.


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