a little adventure never hurt

I don't mind at all! Thanks for joining! -- wc: 427

New to this land she was, and the female didn't have much information gathered on it. Even then, however, Xahria was very much used to snow, in fact a little tired of it, and she had only seen two cycles pass by her. From where she was from, snow was not uncommon, even though, not unlike any other land, it was mostly in the time of winter season. Like now. Clothing helped, yes, but all of her forms carried a plentiful amount of fur, obvious for her species of canine. Her eyelids dropped in annoyance. Snow had been fun as a pup, but now, it drove her insane. Xahria much preferred warm temperatures, but it wasn't like she could change nature for the supposed better.

After a few more seconds of padding through the terrain, she went into thought. Her body, or her mind, was not the least bit exhausted, but in truth she was extremely bored - what was that? Her head spun around at the sound of steps, much too light and even a little bit too quick to be her's. Pausing in her own stride - she searched for the sound. No such luck. Widened eyes reverted to their previous state, and Xahria shrugged her furry shoulders. Though before she could even continue, a bark sounded. Okay, now the female had to investigate.

A small growl rumbled in her throat, but only of pure irritation rather than prepared aggression. She fast trotted to where the racket was coming from, and it wasn't long until her eyes laid upon a wolf - wait, no. It only took moments to signify this was not a pure species of wolf. Xahria frowned...well, more than before, at least. She'd never encountered a wolfdog before, but had learned of their existence. This sure looked like a description of them, which she had heard. Mostly from crazy old coots.

It didn't appear to be one of the abilities of shift, but the strange mane style of the obviously younger canine made it apparent he'd had contact with them. Her posture lowered, but not to the point of any kind of submission - her expression made that clear. "If you're going to be immature, why not do it quietly, so you don't alarm others?" Right, so maybe to others, that wouldn't be the best first impression, especially since Xahria's tone carried no hint of amusement whatsoever. But, it wasn't like she cared what the other thought of her. They'd probably never meet again, anyway, if they brought their names to the table at all.

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Thanks to Sie for her template, and Iguanajo for the editable photo.


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