the colors of the mad and the wicked

Psh, not much of a wait! I think it's normal to wait anywhere from a few days to a week and a half for replies sometimes -- people do get busy. I am also being abnormally fast because of SoSu... >_> Normally I'm capable of being faaaaairly slow, sad to say. D:

Eris is by Kiri!

The dark-hued woman found herself in easy agreement with the scarred stranger. In Eris's experience, however, there were men who earnestly proclaimed their love of women, yet used and promptly abandoned them without so much as an instant's hesitation. Such had been the case in Eterne -- this treatment had happened at the hand of a man who would have been her uncle. Blood or not, by Salsola's definition, Metetzili was her family, and he had treated her as such, as well. Eris had been deeply hurt by his betrayal, and he had been one to tout the importance of women on more than one occasion, after all. Still, she did not judge all by her would-be uncle's precedent. The dark-hued woman smiled toward the stranger and nodded her agreement with a single graceful dip of her head.

Her question seemed to catch him off-guard, however, and he thought over his answer carefully. The silence was not an uncomfortable one for the dark Auxiliary, who simply waited with the hunting serpent's patience for his answer. Pauses might be a good thing -- indication of one careful to choose his words -- or a bad thing -- indication of one unable to think as sharply and quickly as the rest. Only the content of his answer would tell her such a thing, and she was glad to receive it, listening with curved ears and offering another nod, although this one was more sympathetic. It was also accompanied by the faintest hint of a frown, though this was not directed at him but his predicament.

Surely, she returned, both to his inquiry regarding the horse and her den. But I, too, have known the wanderer's plight once within my life. It was clear from her regalia and servant the woman's cozy life within Salsola, and she did not wish him to mistake her for one always having enjoyed such finery. Does some preoccupation keep you from finding a new den, yourself? One, perhaps, with more permanence than a night or two? Trader, the gentle gelding he was, reached his muzzle toward the man, bumping it against the outstretched hand. The coyote smiled, pleased with the beast's demeanor. It wouldn't do to have a fiesty beast she could not control; such a thing would make her look and feel a fool -- if not worse, if she ended up thrown to the ground by such a deucedly tempered beast.

Eris, the coyote added, introducing herself with truncated name. Her surname might come later, if he should accompany her back to Salsola -- or, perhaps, if they met again at a later date, should he prove uncertain for the moment. Eris preferred to seek those wanderers who possessed earnest desire to find a new abode for themselves -- or, should she have leverage enough, coercive force. It did not befit Salsola to take those wishy-washy canines who only thought they'd like some new place to lay their heads.

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