Trash upon the moon
<style>@import url( ... English+SC);</style>ALAKI
I'm so numb, Can't you hear me?
Here I am, There is something inside me
That still wants to feel
Word Count :: 451 Urgh. Sorry i couldn't come up with anything better @_@ Kinda approaching from either behind or ahead; whatever works?

It felt good to spend the silent morning out riding, although with the coming of winter everything was biting cold and the once lush foliage lay mostly dead and dried up, just getting outside and doing something other than walking the borders, training or working with the many crows of Anathema was refreshing. And it seemed it wasn't only the Rakeeb whom was glad to be out and about, for the young Mare was being surprisingly obedient and hadn't yet decided to attempt to throw her rider. Gradually he brought up the mare's speed, Beyaz taking to the skies rather than lazying upon his master's shoulder. With each stride the mare's pace increased until he just relaxed his grip and allowed the blue horse to really stretch her legs and run to her hearts content, snow flicking up behind them as she pushed her way through the all to familiar lands.

Closer and closer the pair drew until they rode just outside of the packs claimed territory, the border strongly scented and a constant comfort. He was near home and such a trivial thing made him feel both safe and comfortable; along with the added comfort of his weapons that was. Idle thoughts continued to occupy his mind, his mood light and surprisingly happy for once and he continued to ride in silence until the mares pace lowered, eventually settling down into a lazy walk as the horses chest heaved from the burst of energy. Lazily he scanned the lands around him and breathed in, taking in both scents and sights and seeking anything unusual or worthy of attention; although few strangers approached the borders these days and even fewer were foolish enough to trespass, it was an ingrained trait to always check, just in case. Carried along with the slight breeze was an unfamiliar scent and yet at the same time he coulda sworn that he'd once smelt it before. Breathing in deeply once more he pondered the scent, as weak and distant as it once he found himself curious to find out whom it belonged to and why they had drifted so close to the borders.

Dismounting Hibiki he brought her reigns over he head and leisurely led her forward in the direction he hoped the scent came from. A tired spell struck him and with his free hand he covered his mouth as he yawned; a form of manners he'd been instructed of by someone, somewhere at some point, the finer details of what caused him to do as such escaped him. As he walked he glanced up to the sky and tried to spot the albino crow but with no success. Where'd the pest go this time?

Image courtesy of Billy Lindblom

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