One team invasion.
She smiled into her cup as he spoke, the fellow was a dear and she was slightly jealous of the unknown mate of his. She longed for her own mate who'd been taken from her in one form or another but wishing and hoping didn't bring him here now and she knew that. The sadness crossed her eyes and disappeared as she pushed her own pitiful wants and needs away as she tried to stay the polite guest and listen to the conversation.

When he spoke of his interest in the way the packs lived and how things worked she grinned and nodded her head, suddenly brought back into the discussion by the topic. She was surprised that he'd actually bothered to learn from the sailors about the packs and way they lived in these lands, but she liked that too, it showed that he wasn't thinking himself better than the rest, that he was willing to learn how they lived, even if his was different. She didn't know if he'd accept the way everything was in these lands but atleast he was willing to try something new in his life.

When he asked her why she was so interested in if they were staying or settling she admitted to him, and to herself, "Well, some of the wolves I know are trying to gather a pack together.. if you were interested in staying, maybe we could hold a place for the two of you. Having newcomers to the land and to as pack always makes the world brighter and more interesting, new ideas, new faces, new histories.. and new beginning." She knew she was rambling now but she really couldn't stop herself as she looked off into the distance and smiled. She was so silly to beleive that out of nothing they could create something so new and brilliant.

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