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I think that should work. Just pm me a reminder when we get close so I don’t forget.

Antykk nodded in recognition as Terra spoke of the rabbit, and suddenly his appetite increased to an almost overwhelming level. He couldn’t remember the last time he had eaten, to be quite honest, and he was now realizing that the inability to consume regular meals was taking a negative toll on his body. His thick tail swished about more fervently as his eyes searched the forest, his stomach reminding him now and again of just how hungry he really was. His lip curled in a silent snarl as he grew increasingly impatient, and finally he resolved to press his body into Terra’s to help him relax…and it worked. Her touch alone was enough to ease his frantic nerves.

As he looked at her for what very well could have been the tenth time, he was overcome by an inexplicable urge to play. He hadn’t wrestled with anyone in a VERY long time, but eventually his will power was shoved aside as he nudged his massive body into hers in an attempt to tip her over. His tail sped up its wag as he snarled playfully at her, the glint in his eye returning. Perhaps you got lucky with the rabbit, but this is where your luck runs short, he teased. And then, as if a piece of his rough exterior had been chipped away to reveal a smidgeon of his old self, he laughed. It was a deep and rather soft noise, but it was undoubtedly a laugh.

Image courtesy of SilaynneStock

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