A helpful drifter appears again
When the approaching footfall caught her ears all she could manage was a weak growl, but when the scent caught her attention and she heard the voice her heckles fell and she sighed softly. She opened one eye and gazed at the male while she grumbled a reply. "I let my temper get the best of me.. and a coyote to boot." She tried to smile but gave up as the pain seemed to overrid even attempting to even have a remote bit of humor. She shook her head sadly and admitted, "I attacked their leader.. he tried to kill my nephew, and as much as I know he's done wrong I couldn't see it done at the hands of the clan.." She closed her eyes as a yelp escaped her lips as the fiery liquid burned, shooting pains up her foreleg as she gritted her teeth.

A shudder ran down her spine as she shook her head, finally realizing the words the male spoke as her mind cleared from the pain and she raised her eyes up to look at the male. "Thank you Asmodai, you didn't have to you know." She was use to the help of those she knew, but an almost stranger just dropping all to help her was something she'd rarely witnessed. She shouldn't be surprised, she'd done the same in the past, who was to say that all strangers were dangerous.. though she also knew she was a hypocrite there. She turned the thoughts aside and let the male do his duties while she tried to keep the pain at bay.

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