you thought you knew me
Iskata stopped a few feet away from the girl when she noticed how frightened she was. It wasn't just the manner and the boy language, but the scent of fear was so heavy in the air that she wondered what exactly was going on. She dropped down to all fours and sat crouched before the lady, not offering a word but trying to show that she didn't mean her any harm. She was so baffled by the strangly marked wolf's reaction that she wasn't really sure what to do. Her tail twitched back and forth as she tried to meet those of Adelaida with her own sun shot blue orbs. When the lady's fangs were bared to her she took a few paces back and gave her a bit more room, the words that were spat from her mouth hurt Iskata to the core as she flicked her ears back, trying to fine the right words.

It took her too long for the words to return as she shook her head and watched the lady, her manner saddened Iskata, she knew they really hadn't left on the best terms but she hadn't thought that the lady was afraid or angry at her, and it seemed different now. She swollowed hard before speaking, "Adelaida, what's wrong with you! You're acting like we've never met.." She shook her head in frustration, her short hair swaying across her face as she rambled on. "I'm sorry so much has been changing with all the packs but really, just relax! I ain't gonna hurt you.." She was starting to wonder if the lady was even capable of remembering who she was, maybe she was a little touched in the head or something. She'd seen it before, but the masked lady had seemed so normal..

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