Oh pitty me poor fools
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She cared little to appease his threats or give into the fear it was meant to insight. It wouldn’t have been the first time he had bitten her if he so chose to do so, and undoubtedly would not be the last. Though she never voiced it, her reason for concealing is maw was to keep the excuses at bay. Her voice was hardly ever used unless it was for matters of importance and even then it was a soft spoken conscious flow of words. Hardly did she ever feel impassioned enough to raise her voice above its traditional whisper, and when it was uttered to the more resounding volume, she wanted to be heard without risk of interruption. But she could see the irritability on his face for her actions and chose to ignore it. She could not be bothered to entertain him with fear.

And when he spoke again of their home, she about deafened her ears to the conversation. This talk of staying only for those that were worth it was grating to her ears and upset the mental foundations she had built while residing in the pack. Their duty was to protect all that dwelled within their lands, not show favoritism. If that was truly his mentality then the pair of them were better off as loners. As a pack, they were family, they catered to all and ensured the wellbeing of the pack as a whole. Why he was disputing this with favoritism… she did not know. But she did not want to hear any more of it.

Inevitably, the she-wolf lowered her head back into the warm pile of furs with an audible sigh of defeat. She was too exhausted to string out this conversation, let alone compete with the stubborn male raring to go and get his point across. She just wanted to rest. How this nonsense of pack and who stayed for who came about, she could not bother to remember. But she did remember the warmth the bed provided and the hours of sleep she had missed the night before.

“No…” she murmured from within the encompassing mound of soft animal skins. “You are not selfish. And why would you-“ Oh, she couldn’t bother to inquire why he would need to wander out into the cold. Her voice trailed in the midst of her sentence whilst yet another sigh escaped from the warmth of the pile. “Saluce… rest please. I’m too tired and know you are as well…”

417 words.


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