Allons - y Alonso!
OOC: PP approved

“Kiara Amarok.” Alonso tried the new name on his tongue as he turned to leave. It was a strange sounding name to the Mexican wolf but he couldn’t help thinking that it suited this beautiful wolf to the T. He’d become very good at reading people these past few days and his instincts were telling him that this wolf was far too placid and cheerful to instigate a fight. A part of him wanted desperately to stay for a little longer and maybe get to know Kiara a little better. But before he could make up his mind to turn around and head back, Kiara raced in front and planted herself right in front of him. This sudden interruption unsettled Alonso for a minute before he noticed her tail wagging. “I wouldn’t go that way if I were you” she teased coquettishly. Her smile was so effortless and genuine that Alonso unconsciously returned the grin. “Why not?” he was about to ask before she pounced him.

“She wants to fight?” thought a bewildered Alonso as he let himself tumble and roll. It was a notion he had long since abandoned in view of Kiara’s friendliness. “She’s playing!” was his next realization as he remembered similar ‘wrestling’ matches with his family. He suddenly grinned playfully. If a game was what she wanted, a game was what she was going to get. He lay on the ground, feigning unconsciousness, until Kiara trotted over to his side worriedly. The minute she was close enough he pounced up and grabbed her around the neck, intending to repeat her earlier maneuver. That was until he lost his balance causing both wolves to topple down the decline.

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