thou shall not commit adultery
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

Word Count » 250

The woman was with the peculiar pup she had found, some relative or something or another. Ezekiel wasn’t sure how accurate her claim was, but he was not one to go about and chastise others for bringing home children. He had done so himself, and besides, as long as others cared for them what difference did it make? Children would grow into adults soon enough and then be of use to the clan. Now, though, he had other issues to deal with.

He remained still, recovering his breath (though this did not take long at all) and then shifted his weight to better meet her. While he did not squat or hunch to her level, he was not unreasonably tall compared to her in this form. At least in this way, his coyote blood rang clear; most of the other hybrids within this clan towered above him. With a glance up to the boy, his ears fell back slightly and his amber eyes softened in a show of concern. One thing was certain; he was a remarkable pretender.

“I must speak with you, I’m afraid. It regards your…relationship, with Helotes.” He left this word hanging, yet unsure of where they stood. Neither had approached him, though it had been spoken of by the aforementioned male. Even though he would have not seen it as a true blasphemy (cousins were not unheard of, even in the Biblical texts) the fact that one half had gone about without care truly offended him.

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