the colors of the mad and the wicked
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Haha it’s alright, no worries!Word Count :: 458

Antykk nodded at her explanation for her absent senses. He knew well enough how being a new mother could wear a woman out, for he’d watched his own mate suffer from the same inconveniences; always forgetting things and repeating one’s self constantly, it was no wonder his dear Minna was always so tired. As dizzying as it was, however, he had always admired how a mother’s endurance seemed everlasting, and it was part of the reason he respected females so much.

In response to his question of her home, the dark woman leaned forward and whispered her answer to him and he nearly shivered from the act. He tried hard enough not to show it, but his ears were so sensitive that a mere whisper sent his body into a fit of pleasure. His mate had known this, too, and used it to her utmost advantage. Whenever she wanted something, all she had to do was whisper it to him and it would be hers. It was a weakness, to be sure, but he supposed there were worse imperfections to suffer from.

The horse then began to poke its nose out at Antykk again, and he extended his hand to touch it once more, thinking the beast had missed the gentle stroking. He mulled over everything the woman had told him as he pet the gelding, particularly her last comment, as it sent his mind into a tizzy trying to imagine what it might be like to belong to a pack again. It would be nice not to have to live the rest of his days alone, true enough. But if there was one pack nearby, there had to be others, and Antykk was definitely a man bound to weigh his options before making a final decision. He looked up at Eris once more, memorizing her features so that he would undoubtedly recognize her if they crossed paths again, and said, I will keep your offer in mind Eris, and I am most grateful that you would extend such an unwavering hand of fellowship to a wandering stranger such as myself. If there is anything I can do for you in return, tell me at once and I shall accommodate. Or, if you’d rather, seek my services at a later date and I will oblige nonetheless.

Though it might have been odd to most that a stranger could be so willing to serve another stranger, Antykk was not one to falter where repayment for kindness was necessary, and therefore such actions were merely instinct to him. He gave the horse another gentle pat on the nose before dropping his hands once again, his tail swaying patiently as he stood like a soldier prepared to receive his duties.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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