Light at the end of the world

Got a wee bit carried away XD. You approved this PP but it was a few days ago due to me being failsauce so if you've changed your mind and want this rewriting then just tell me and I will.

Word Count → 1005

Soft laughter burst forth from Neela at Dalgina's hyperactive reaction to Neela's suggestion that the two go see something new, the puppy tripping over herself to try and find whatever it was, assuming that Neela kept it on hand, before snuggling up to Gryn and trying to enlist the small bird to show her where it was, for her part Grynn simply stood still, her face contorted into an odd look that was half happy and half that of a rabbit staring down a hungry wolf.

Neela wasn't sure what was behind Grynn's odd mood, while it wouldn’t be completely unusual for the bird to grow fond enough of a child to let them fuss over her like this she hadn't seen Dalgina that much before. Whatever it was Neela found the sight of the small black puppy snuggling up to the falcon both adorable and hilarious.

Grynn's odd behaviour continued when Dalgina asked the bird for assistance. Grynn let out a gentle screech, the sound low so as to not scare or startle Dalgina, asking how long the pair had been out of Neela's house. While this was unusual in itself as Grynn generally placed little importance on time beyond light levels it was more unusual that after Neela had checked the sky and replied that they had been gone about half an hour, responding in the clicks and whistles that she used to simulate falcon low speech, Grynn left, saying that she would be back shortly and giving Dalgina a last affectionate peck to the ear as she did so.

Neela watched the falcon fly off for a few seconds, playing over the odd spectacle in her head before turning back to Dalgina, "Grynn will be back soon honey, I think she's hungry " In truth Neela doubted it was that, Grynn's departure had seemed to be timed, but it was the best excuse she could think of for the puppy.

Getting up and slinging her guitar over her back Neela approached Dalgina, bending down as she did so, "What I want to show you is a bit far for you to walk Dalgina, let me carry you." Neela said as she did just that, scooping Dalgina up and holding the puppy secure against her chest, using the thick fur collar that grew there as a cushion. For a second memories flickered to her mind of holding Leon like this long ago but she quickly shot them down, not wanting to be put in a bad mood again today.

The walk wasn't a particularly long one but holding Dalgina Neela was forced to do that, walk, rather than the gentle run the athletic canine preferred for getting around short distances. To pass the time Neela sang as she walked, running through several old sea and festival songs that she had learnt over the years, though the collie refrained from some of the more depressing and inappropriate songs; that song about the farmers daughter that her hometown had liked was all well and good when both you and your audience had drunk copious amounts of whiskey but was somewhat less suitable while holding a small child.

Neela rejoined the two towards the end of the trip, roughly half an hour later at a guess Neela got from a peek at the run through the trees, perching on Neela's shoulder and dipping her head down to greet Dalgina just as the two passed out of the tree cover and into the clearing formed oround Neela's dock.

While small the dock was fairly pleasant. Neela prided herself on her woodwork, even though she no longer practised it as a profession, Ichika having given her the opportunity to perform music for that purpose, and both the small shed that housed Neela's supplies and the small pier she had built were attractive. The environment itself was pleasant as well, trees giving way to smooth green grass and a sandy shore bordering a gentle section of the east river.

However the main attraction was the Meria Lea. Measuring in at 35 feet from stern to bow Neela's pride and joy towered over the other wooden structures in the clearing. A fairly large period in little use and lots of maintenance had the ship in fine condition, the wood smooth and free of the small marks that tended to accumulate through use and the white paint proudly declaring the ships name was freshly touched up, the white cutting through the gentle brown of the wood on the side facing into shore. Even the chain which held the boats main anchor was as clean as such a piece of equipment could get, though a layer of grime was beginning to show where it entered the water; the flow of the river required Neela to leave the anchor down, while the concrete pillars of her pier should technically hold Neela didn’t feel safe entrusting it entirely to the old human constructions.

"That, is the Meria Lea. My boat." Neela stated proudly as she stood there, Dalgina still clutched in her arms, the collie was already having nightmares of the puppy running off and falling into the frigid river, and a proud smile on her face to match her tone of voice.

Still the fear about Dalgina falling in the river was somewhat valid. Neela had took a fall herself while working on the boat a few days ago and not even her thick fur had helped much with the sheer temperature of the water. What Jace would do if Dalgina was hurt or, god forbid, killed in the river under Neela's care didn’t bear thinking about; as much as Neela respected and liked the woman she was fully aware that the hybrid would, and most likely could, tear her apart if Dalgina was hurt. Or maybe Neela would get off lucky and just loose a limb or two. Either way, Neela considered as she tightened her grip on the pup nervously, it would be best to try and avoid the situation altogether.

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